Friday, September 24, 2004

Another Potential Life Changing Experience Dashed

My latest music obsession, Diamanda Galás, has recently announced that the show she was set to play here in Chi, right at the old Park West, is cancelled. I am not happy. What the hell? How many times in my life will I get a chance to see such a strange and interesting performer? Goddamnit, Dave Matthews trots through town every year with his brand of dullardrock and they clear out Soldier Field to accommodate him and his white girl college fans. So why the cancellation of a show I want to see?

I could speculate and come up with theories, but I will venture a guess that it is Diamanda Galás’ fault, as her web site evidences many a cancelled show on this tour (as well as some wonderful images and everyting one needs to know about Ms. G. and her art). Damn, she was all set to perform the recent, and damn haunting, Defixiones: Will and Testament. That would have been one of those life long musical memories. Alas, I’ll have to just sit alone this weekend, in the dark, listening to the CD and hoping her erratic 8 octave vocals scare away the demons of the night.

Pleasant dreams,
