Tuesday, July 05, 2005


Published on Thursday, June 30, 2005 by CommonDreams.org Go there for story in full.

To this day, the real 'firewall feed ban' necessary to stop mad cow disease in the United State has not been constructed. Officials of the United States Department of Agriculture simply lie to the press and public when they say, as USDA veterinarian John Clifford did on June 29, that a "ruminant to ruminant feed ban" prevents cattle protein from being fed to cattle in the US, cutting off the spread of the [mad cow] disease. In reality, as Clifford well knows, US animal feed regulations allow hundreds of millions of pounds of cattle blood and fat to be fed back to cattle each year, including the widespread weaning of calves on cattle blood protein in calf milk replacer and milk formula. In addition, one million tons a year of "poultry litter" is shoveled from barn floors at chicken factories and fed to cattle, although the spilled and defecated chicken feed in the litter can contain up to 30% mammalian meat and bone meal.

Far be it for me to preach, and just because I choose not to eat meat doesn’t mean everyone should (even though I think it disgusting to be a carnivore), but why not liven up this blog with some gory stories of the meat industry? If this seems too biased, read Fast Food Nation and think of that book every time you bite into a juicy, shit filled burger.