Friday, May 12, 2006

Conspiracy Corner

Aside from the fact that winning a war against terror (not a country but a concept) is a logistical impossibility, the idea that said illogical war should allow for to the sacrificing of fundamental liberties is egregious. While I am sure, when in my most conspiratorial mind state, that past administrations have overseen spying on private citizens, there is now proof about the Bushites and NSA wire tapping. Proof helps validate one’s concern. International calls are no longer the sole focus; since the laughable justification for spying on over-seas calls (a justification predicated on the idea that anyone not on American soil must be an enemy) was swallowed by far too many, domestic conversations and phone records are being added to the spy list in order to keep the country safe from… well, I don’t know who.

This infuriates me. For some reason, a lot of people don’t seem to care. Alas, I sit by and watch the fire spread and wait for Nero’s fiddle to begin.

Anyway, whatever your thoughts on the issue, a more interesting and “out there” conspiracy theory came to mind when reading this morning’s edition of the Red Eye (rag!), which can be easily found for free at most El stops. The rag’s minions went about town and asked random passers-by what they thought about the NSA spy plan. Of course, four points of view were displayed, two pro and two con. The two who did not care, stating the most obvious and wrong-headed argument, were a couple of white people while the two opposing were minorities. Could this be a subtle way of making minorities look suspicious and guilty? After all, the white folks didn’t mind, citing that they had nothing to hide. I am sure the Red Eye, being the thorough periodical it is [sarcasm], conducted many on-the-spot interviews. Why then did they choose to present only these four? It may be far-fetched, but one can’t help but think the answers, and their correspondence to skin color, fit perfectly into some dubious agenda.

Then again, maybe I am just reading too much into this. Perhaps, but I wish more of my countrymen and women would read, period. Or at least think about the fact that once you give up a civil liberty, such as the right to privacy, you don’t easily get it back.